5th Regional Coordination conference on 18 November 2022

21 November 2022

The 5th Regional Coordination conference was hosted on 18 November by our Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) colleagues, SCC and SEleNe CC. Co-organised with ENTSO-E, the conference allowed stakeholders from the TSO community, industry, EU institutions and regulated authorities to debate on developments and challenges related to TSO regional coordination and the European power system in general.
This year, under the theme “TSO regional coordination in Europe: from positive experience towards new challenges”, the RCC conference focussed on the progress made in terms of TSO regional coordination since last year, and on the recent developments such as the transition to Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs). Among other speakers, our CEO, Jan Van Roost, had the pleasure of presenting the success story and challenges of the CGM go live.
Congratulations to our colleagues on the organisation of such an important event.
More information about the RCC conference via this link