On 23/06/17, the day-ahead and intraday capacity methodology for the Channel capacity calculation region(CCR) was published for public consultation. After this consultation, the final methodology will be sent to national regulatory authorities (NRA) for approval in September. The CCR Channel will include the bidding zone borders listed below: • France – Great Britain (FR – […]
TSCNET Supervisory Board visited us on June 13th. The purpose of this visit was to give them a better understanding on our organization and processes. Exchanges were very fruitful. We gave an overview of internal organization and provided some explanations about how Operations, Project and IT Functions are working together. We both are convinced that […]
According to a joint press release issued 12th of June, the two European Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs) Coreso and TSCNET Services have concluded a Cooperation Framework Agreement aimed at strengthening their cooperation in assisting transmission system operators (TSOs) in their task of maintaining the operational security of the electricity system. Under this arrangement following the […]
On Tuesday 25th April, Coreso organized the 3rd Annual Communication Meeting. As coordination facilitator entity, Coreso has gathered up all of its shareholders and let them explain what will be their Communication in case of stressed situations (as chosen during last Communication meeting) in order to : • Share knowledge of such communication • Identify […]
On Thursday 20 April, the first “RSC Alignment Call” took place with TSCNET Services management team. The aim of this “RSC Alignment Call” is to share our views on topical issues (IT, projects, coordination activities…) in order to define together the best way to move forward. Those calls will take place each Friday and will […]
On Tuesday 18 April and Wednesday 19 April, a two-day workshop of the “ENTSO-E inter-RSC coordination” Task Force took place in TSCNET Services premises. This workshop followed the Task Force meetings which took place on March in ENTSO-E and Coreso premises. The aim of this workshop was to improve the drafting of requirements needed for an […]