On 14 February 2023, ENTSO-E and Coreso co-hosted a workshop with all European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) to discuss the draft of methodology proposals for the new RCC tasks “Sizing” and “Procurement”. As foreseen by the Electricity Regulation (EU) 2019/943, also named Clean Energy Package (CEP), each RCC shall carry out the tasks “Regional sizing of […]
On Monday 21 November 2022, the Florence School of Regulation (FSR Energy) came to Brussels to give our Coreso employees a tailor-made training on electricity sector liberalisation and trading. A great opportunity to revisit the fundamentals and discuss the latest evolutions of EU electricity market liberalisation and energy trading. Many thanks to Alberto Pototschnig and Leonardo Meeus for sharing their knowledge […]
The 5th Regional Coordination conference was hosted on 18 November by our Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) colleagues, SCC and SEleNe CC. Co-organised with ENTSO-E, the conference allowed stakeholders from the TSO community, industry, EU institutions and regulated authorities to debate on developments and challenges related to TSO regional coordination and the European power system in general. This year, under the theme “TSO […]
We are pleased to inform you that CorNet, a co-operation programme between the RCCs Coreso and TSCNET, has reached another important milestone, with the signing of Framework Agreements with each of the Service Providers, for the design, development and implementation of the CorNet solution for the initial Coordinated Security Analysis (CSA) & Common Grid Model […]
What better way to reinforce team cohesion than with a creative game? On 6 October 2022, after a morning session dedicated to business topics, our Coreso teams were challenged to create a chain reaction. This activity triggered our creativity and collaboration skills, and most importantly… led to very fun (and crazy) moments!
On 28 September, we were pleased to welcome a delegation of 17 representatives working on the “TAKA NADIFA” project, co-financed by European Union. The purpose of the visit was to present how the electricity grid is coordinated in Europe and to exchange on the best practices, as our guests’ project aims to support the renewable energy […]